Sandusky County Soil & Water Conservation District
Offering Educational Programming for Everyone...
Sandusky County Soil & Water Conservation District offers a variety of different programs for students of all ages. From field trips at the fairgrounds to bringing hands on activities right to your classroom, we offer something for everyone!
School Programs
We offer free programs that can be tailored to the areas of interest and needs of students and teachers. We can come to your classroom and bring the materials needed.

Examples of topics include an enviroscape (seen above), animal tracks (seen left), solar ovens, habitats, soils, water quality and so much more!
Exploring Your Backyard

Our local FFA students guide the classes to a different station every 25 minutes to learn about a new topic. We have presenters from all over Ohio that speak on crops, animals, aquatics, tree farms, reptiles, recycling and many other engaging topics! On top of that, several stations often have hands-on activities and live animals!
All Sandusky County 4th grade classes are invited each year to participate in our Exploring Your Backyard event! It’s a day full of education and fun at the Sandusky County Fairgrounds!

Envirothon is an annual outdoor competition for students in 9th-12th grade to test their knowledge in soils, aquatics, wildlife, forestry and current environmental issues. Each team of five students will spend the day problem solving and using teambuilding to complete tests at each site, with the change to go on to the state and national levels.