
Sandusky County Soil & Water Conservation District

H2Ohio is Governor Mike DeWine’s initiative to ensure safe and clean water for all Ohioans. It is a comprehensive, data driven approach to improving water quality over the long term. H2Ohio focuses specifically on reducing phosphorous, creating wetlands, addressing failing septic systems and preventing lead contamination. H2Ohio was created through unprecedented collaboration, using strategies that are long-term, cost-effective and permanent. The Governor, his team, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and many interested parties, including the Ohio Agriculture Conservation Initiative (OACI), worked together to help create a strong conservation approach to one of our most important resources.

The H2Ohio farmer incentive program is a voluntary conservation effort initially made available in the 14 counties that make up the Maumee River Watershed. H2Ohio expanded into 10 additional counties, now encompassing the entire Western Lake Erie Basin. Farmers in the 10-county expansion area are eligible to sign up for seven best management practices and receive incentive payments to offset costs. To apply, farmers must have a voluntary nutrient management plan and be enrolled in the OACI farmer certification program.

H2Ohio Fact Sheets

Voluntary Nutrient Management Plan (VNMP)

Producer Checklist for VNMP

Overwintering Cover Crops

Conservation Crop Rotation: Small Grains

Phase Two Fact Sheets

VNMP Implementation

Conservation Crop Rotation: Forages

Manure Incorporation

Manure Incorporation (Cont.)

Variable Rate Phosphorus Application

Subsurface Phosphorus Placement

Drainage Water Management

Working Lands Buffer Program

Working Lands Buffer Program